Thursday, October 20, 2011

Growing Through 2 Timothy

All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that every man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.--2 Timothy 3:16-17
What exactly does "inspired" mean? The Bible claims something very specific when it says it is inspired. When you pick up a Bible, you hold the actual words of God in your hands.

The Bible's Source Is God
This is the only instance in the entire Bible where the word translated "inspired" ever shows up. It means "God-breathed"--as if each and every word came directly from the mouth of God. Inspiration means the Bible--all of it--is God's word speaking to us.

The Bible Is Given Through Men
Even though the inspired word is really God's word, God used people to compose the Bible. Each writer used his own point of view to communicate God's word. The Lord used different people with their unique personalities, life experiences, and vocabularies to write the different books of the Bible.

The Bible Is True
One person asked, "Since people wrote the Bible and people can be wrong, does this mean parts of the Bible might be wrong?" In a word, no. Since the ultimate source of Scripture is God, then the Bible cannot be wrong.
The Bible, then, is all of what God wanted to reveal to us. It should teach us, guide us, correct our errors, and train us up to become men and women pleasing to God.

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