In the book God's Message for a Growing Church, the author challenges the complacent Christian by pointing out the fact that we live in a culture that expects the church of Christ to keep quiet about matters of faith. People in the world don't care if we get together on Sunday and talk about Jesus Christ. But they don't want our faith to permeate other areas of society:
- In the schoolhouse, educators say, "Morals are meant to be taught at home. Spiritual values can be taught in the church. But in the schools, we demand value-free instruction."
- In the White House, politicians say, "I'm personally against abortion, but I refuse to impose my personal values on my constituents. After all, people should be able to choose what they want."
- In the trading house, brokers say, "Don't try to mix business and ethics."
- In the courthouse, lawyers say, "It's legal to celebrate Christmas in the home, but a creche on public property violates the principle of the separation of church and state."
Even some Christians prefer it that way. Show up on Sunday for a sip of juice and a sermon--then do what you want the rest of the week. But is that all there is to being a believer?
We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God.--Titus 2:12You're expected to devoted to Jesus Christ and make him the Lord of everything! Your faith is a new way of living! No area of your life should be untouched by Jesus Christ. The unbelievers of the world may not like it, but that's the truth.
Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted.--Titus 1:15
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